Many items on
are eligible for
Free Super Saver Shipping
. The catch, though, is that the order must total at least $35, and all of the items must qualify for free shipping. Therefore, if you order some books totalling $34, you'll actually pay less if you find a $1 item to add to your order, since the free shipping is worth more than the extra $1 you'll spend.
The problem is that it can be difficult to find inexpensive items to fill your order to qualify for free shipping. The products on this page will satisfy that need. Note: Prices and free shipping status can change very frequently, more often than I am able to update this page. Therefore, after you click on any of the links below, double check that the price hasn't changed. And more importantly, make sure that the item still says "eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping" next to the price.
If you're close to the magical $35 limit, nuts, bolts, and other little bits of hardware will often put you over the top. Here are some nuts and bolts available for just a few cents:
If those prices have changed since I last updated the page, the
items on this page
will include many inexpensive pieces of hardware that are eligible for free shipping. (After clicking on the link, click on "sort by" and change
the listing to "Price: Low to High".)
Before adding these items to your cart, make sure and confirm that the product desription states that the item is eligible for free shipping.
Rather than buying nuts and bolts that you don't really want or need, you might want to spend the small additional amount on something you will need.
Everyone needs tape, so you may as well use the opportunity to buy your tape now:
Everyone needs batteries at one time or another, so here are some batteries that are eligible for free shipping. (Again, please make sure that the item still says that it's eligible for free shipping at the time you place your order.)
Finally, even if you don't use batteries, you probably at least eat. There don't seem to be very many really cheap grocery items available, but if you're willing to buy in a fairly large quantity, Amazon can actually be a fairly economical place to buy groceries. And many of those grocery items are eligible for free shipping. For example, you can buy four boxes of Cheerios:
If that particular item has gone up in price and/or is no longer eligible for free shipping, then search for whatever grocery item you need, and then look through the results for items that ship free. To do this type of search, it's easiest to search for a particular brand name, as this will keep the number of search results reasonable, and you can usually tell from the search results whether an item is likely to offer free shipping.
Finally, many cheap books are available and qualify for free shipping:
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