Yes, it is out of date. But it is possible for you to carry around more or less the sum total of human knowledge as of 1911, by downloading the 11th Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. This could prove quite helpful if you become a time traveler, as the characters in the novel
found out. Depending on which Kindle you own, you might run out of storage, but you'll be able to carry around most of it.
If you want to download the entire
11th Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica to your Kindle, I've done most of the work for you.
Depending on the speed of your internet connection, this might take a while. But you can go do other things while your computer downloads, and then, while the files move to your kindle.
Simply follow these steps:
The following 32 links are to Kindle versions of each volume at
If you don't want to go to all of that trouble, but still want to carry around a lot of (more up to date) information in an inexpensive format, you can get one of the following readers, which comes pre-loaded with all of the content of Wikipedia:
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