If you're looking for inexpensive copies of theological books such as the Book of Concord, finding a used copy on Amazon is usually the best option. The links on this page will help you find a used copy. If you prefer to buy a new copy, most of the editions shown on this page are still in print, and are also available from the links below.
Used copies of the Tappert edition are generally available starting at about $5 at the link below:
The most recent translation from the 1990's, by Kolb, Wengert, and Schaffer, is generally available used for about $30. Used copies are available at the following Amazon link:
If you have an
Amazon Kindle, this also provides a very inexpensive way to have this text. If you don't own a Kindle, you can also view Kindle books on your computer with the free Kindle viewer from Amazon.
The easiest way to obtain the Book of Concord for your Kindle is to purchase it from Amazon. The following 1917 translation (the Triglotta edition) as available at a low price:
If you don't mind going through a bit of additional work, you can obtain the same translation at no cost at this link. You can then transfer the PDF file to your Kindle or other device.
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