Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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Ihe shelter manager must riiicr,i aJ muoil a$ possrole about radtat'i.r:n lelrels in the surroundlng areas in order to know uhat tlrc dangers $e shor"rlci

keep track of the amount of radiation doses the people are acquiring so that no indlvidual or group receives an excessive ar,;runt. (see chapter ,+,

Radiological. )

Where communications betueen ttre sheLier and the District Shelterrranage-
ment E.O,C. exlst, the shelter mareger rnust conform to all instructions

received with respect t,o any moirerrent of people froni the ahelter.

iL[. temporar1r Energence

A. As indicated above, emergency trips from shelter by selected tndlvjduals

may be reqtrired to replenish serious shortages in survival, items or to

meet some other emergency need. Pli-ssLons outside the protected shelter

area .lrrill be planned wtth the radiological personnel and authorized by

the shelter manager.

B. In addition, the shelter manager with concurrence of ttre St. Parr1 Sirector of Civil Defense shaIl decide when the shelterees in general should be

C. The shelter manager shal1 operate under conservatlve assumptions in

permitted to leave the shelter for short, periods in the interest of morale.

al-Io'ring such trips. For example, if he determines it relattvely safe for peop3-e to be outdoors for ten minutes he should permit five minute

stays to be assured thet all persons wtIl get back within the prescribed


outside be by emaLl groups on a rotatj-on basis. This uilI faoilitate

controL and Lq*er arqy individdual dose rate.

D. In the heavier populated shelters it is recommended that temporary trips

I'i. Permanent Tacqtine of the Shel*lgl

!', The Shelter manager must exercise caution in advising shel-terees of the

B. Before permanently vacating the shelter, the shelter manager must have

probable length of shelter stay. An underestimatto:r of time might cause serious unrest. Until he is fairly sure of the aicuracy of his forecasts (or until his pnojections have been confirmed frcrrn the -outside), he should refrain from specifying an anticipated departure tine.

aBsuranee that a1--1 shelterees can return to their homes or that satis- factory provisi6l-has been made for their safe transportTnd assi.lnnant, to lodgings elsewhere.

Plans for vacating the shelter must be correrated with the overall post-shelter emergency plans of the St. Paul Director of Civil Defense.

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