Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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iro This guide is intended primarily to those functicns rclateC to thc reception of people e.t the shelter facility and their protection and care, up to the time of departure from the shelter into the post-disaster environment.
B. Shelter functions covered involve managem€nt, comrnunications, radiological monitoring, safety, supply and maintenance, ieeding, sleeping, health] sani.tation, ilformation and training.
i l. ggnce!-_€_lperaligns
A. In general, survival rather than comfort wi1l be the primary objective.
B. A1l planning for shelter occupancy must consider American unfamiliarity with living for a protracted time in a mass shelter environment. However, io thr-, extent tlat :-l!, is given understanding of bhe situation, and with proi.r leadership, the public will respond favorably.
C. Requirements - preattack
l-. Ttre public should be mad.e a!{are of the requirements for llving in restricted areas with minimum food, water and comforts and sfroutO be oriented to shelter llfe througL news media, schools, professional, fraternal and civic erubs, end through plaees of work.
2. St. Paul- departments and bureaus sha11 provide tecbnical- and other assistance ^ ^-.t to the St. Patrl shelter system in the planning, staffing, and training for ln-shelter functions related to Lheir noimaf areas' of emergency responsibility, i.e., Health Bureeu: health hygiene
and environmental sanitation; Ramsey tJelfere Department: fleaing, sleeping, registration and information, careof cfritaren, the ag"d, and the handicapped, and general social services; Fire !,reventlon Bureau: fire protection and emergency oscape; Bureau of Folice: maintenanee of order; Pub1ic Works Department: supply, maintenance, and engineering.
3. Shelter managers and key staff members shall be designated and trailed
so they are familIar with shelter areas, the equipmeit and suppLies, and their use.
l+. A plan for utiliaation of space within the shelter, a staffing pattern, and a plan of operation sfralL be developed based on tt" "rpr"ity, floor layout, faciLities, and other pertinent consi_derations.
5. Plans should be made consistent with level of supply available in each shelter whether it be _limited solely to t}:,e basic-ObD*cn provisions oy other supplies availabl-e in the facility.
6. Wherever possible, people should be assigned preattaek to specific sheLters accordlng to local community shelter p1ans. This is not considered feasible unless there are enough shelter spaces for the entire population of the commrnity as well as for any transients.

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