Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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'.-f. GeneraL
, Sleeplng arrangements in communtty shelters, whlle austere, must be carefully
considered and pl,anned' $ince oleeping takes up the greatest amount of fl-oor
space of arry single shelter actlvlty, it is ttre rnost signtficant factor in
deterrninlng shelter capacitSr. A1so, since l/3 of every day is needed for
s3.eeping, the arrangements for this shouLd be as comfortabLe as condltions
II. Basic Sleenins Pl-an
Ttre provlsions placed in shelters by ffiD-OCD do not include sl-eeping equipment.
ThLs means, in general, that shelterees will sleep on the floor using their
own personaL effects as pads or covering. Some arrangements ean be lmprovised with material on hand or brought in by the shelterees, The basic managemont plan belon ls based on the a.ssumptlon of no special sleeping facilities or
III. Dostrable Suppltes for Shelters
A. Laek of storage space w111 prevent pre-stocking of many supplies, But
the shelter inhabitants should be encouraged to bring additional supplies at the tlme of occupaney. Blankets, air mattresses or portable cots might
be included ard should be alLowed ineide the shelter lf conrpatible with
storage space and pre-detezmined shelter regulatlons. The shelter management
should not interfere uith personal use of these addttional supplies
unLess they are wgently needed to aLleviate the discomfort of other
shelterees. The loan of such supplies to the comfort of sick bay patients
or to elderly peop3.e shouLd be encouraged on a volrrntary basis before being
asslgned by management as necessarlr.
B. Collapsible multi-tier buriks would greatly increem the comfort of shelter
sLeeping as well as the amormt of usabl-e floor space. The use of bunks
should be considered in shelters where suitable storage spaee can be obtalned
and iJ fundE are provided for thelr purchase by the bnril.ding manager
or ohrner.
IV. Sleeping Space
A. ft is a responsibility of the shel"ter management to plan and allocate
space to provtde the most eomfortable and manageable sleeping arrangements for the shelterees.
B. Shelter eapacity based on 10 sguare feet per person does not allow much
individual room. Therefore, shelterees must sleep close together and with
a mlnimum of aisle space.
C. The mogt compact sleeplng arrangement would be double rows of sleepers, foot-to-foot witJr narrow aisLes between rous of heads. This is deslrable for sanitary reasons and lessens chances of heads being kicked b;r restless
sleepers. One alte:nnate method would be to have adjacent s1eeper.6 head-tofoot
in double rol,rsr Thls allows even less opportunities for germ contact
between heads.

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