CHAP?ER ISI,I INFORI.ATION A}ID EDI.ICATION I. General A. It is the responsibllity of the shelter manger to keep the shelterees informed and engaged ln on-going training activlties to insure their adjustment to shelter living, and to prepare them for the postshelter perlod. B. Adequate firnctioni-rg ard management depends, to a great extent, on an informed shelter popuLation with relatively high rrorale, and a wiJ"Lingness to cooperate. C, Extensive info:mration, education and recreational prograrna $haLl be used to provide support to management in: f. i*laintaining t.tire system on an organized basis. 2. Maintaining a Iivable envirofinent. 3. lvlaintaining, and if possible, restorlng heal"th. h. Insuring adherence to ruLes and regulations. 5. Maintaining proper morale, attitudes and relati-onships. 6. Keeping shelterees informed. 7. Preparing shelterees for the poetshelter period. II. fnformation and Education Activities A. SheLter managernent is responsible: 1. For keeping the shelterees informed abor."t the situaticn withjn the shelter, and where aivisable and to the extent inforn:atlon j.s available, about the loca1, State and nati-onaI situ-ation. 2. For providing education applicable to survj-val and operations within the shelter anC to the postattack envi:.onnent. B. Teachlng and otirer specialiaed skil-Is possessed b.v bhe shelterees should be util-ized. C. In smal.I shelters informatiron and education activities can be condueted for the entire shelter population at one time, Where the physical featuree of the shelter or the number of people involved lnake this a numl:er of concurrent classes nq4 be scheiill_ed. D, Group discussions a.nd other inforrnaticn activities shouici include the fo1low5,ng: 1. The attack situation and its known effects. 0fi
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