Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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gilAPTit& ErElrnlr
I. General
A. The length of shelter stay depends partly on the level of radiation present in the inmediat,e area and partly on the availability of adequate and safe lodging facilittes within the ctrnrmrnity or elsewhere to which the shelterees
can go.
B. Leaving the shelter shoul"d not be regarded as a final occu*ance in the ' sense that at a pre-set time alL shelt,erees can return to their homeg or pnoceed to other lodgings and never enter the sheLter aga]:r. Dapger fr^om faLlout may continue in vartous areas for a long time, Ih,rs, the Ihetter faciJ-ity mry play an importaut part in some of lfre pe6pJ-ers-].ives for several weeks,
C. The measuremenb of the current radiation dose rate outside the shelter and the rough prediction of future radiati-on leveIs are relativel;r more simple than predicting a |tproper'r length of shelter stay. Ttris decioion
depends on several other less defin:ltive factors, such as the effects on the shelter_population of severe overcrouding, lick of air, water, rnedicine, etc.e as well as on the availability of approlriate outsid6 1odgii1g, Con- sequent\r, there Ls no sure way to determine in advance the best tlme to quit a shelter,
If. Responslbilities of Mana$ement
A. Where radiation ls present, the most important thing for the shelter
manager to remember tn decrding when to direct occufants to leave the shel"ter (temporarily or permanEntly) ts: The longer the wait the less the danger. To take advantage of Lrris tirne factoi it is neeessary to stiL'l have a supply of survlval items and also to consider the following:
1. Making shelter l1rring progressively more comfortable by improvisations
or by aequisition of additLonal materials through shorl trips outslde the shelter.
2. koYlglr:g good lights and reading materiaLs, better food, recreational facilities and other cr;nvsni^rr"" , These aisume increasing importanee in the weeks following an ai;tack, and may actual.\r prolong-Iifi.
B. Yanagement, shall acquaint the shelterees wiih the specifie reasons (y""yt"g in particular instances) why they should stay ln shelter unless there is better reason to be outside it.
C. In general shelterees nn:st not be e:cposed t,o significant radiation dose LeveLs uf19!? necessary in contributing to tire rielfare of the people or the rehabilitation of the cormnunity--s6curing needed suppliesr-decontamiryt1|8r
repairing, culttvalinel rebuilding, and the IikL. Th6refore, thg shelter manager shouLd strive to preserve a reasonabLe balance betrre6n Ehelter and stagnation on one hand, and danger and actj-on on ttre other if it becornets nec€ssary to keep the sirel.ter in operation for a long period of time.
(:o I

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