aPPEi{rJIl( B s{qrlgn, suPPrrEs i,R0vrslo$i suPPtIm BY 1l0D-0cD OTHEB DESIRASLE ITM4S WHICH COUI,D BE 1. Infornatioa and Training None SIIPFTIED BY INDTUIDUJILS Games, pccket books, song books, srryle toys, crosslrord puzzles, playing cards, hand,icraft uaterl.als, Bibies arrl other appropriate religl-or.r.s llteratrre 2, Food ond Wai;er Br I0r000 calorles uheat biserrlts or crackers per person packaged in two slzes of, fiberboard containers: (r) 26nyJ2nx13}'n (45 lbs net) tnc}ectes 6 tins (Z*ru" eacb) to provlde 7 persons ulth 101000 calories each. (2) 19"fr-5/snvi /n-3/gn (16 rus nct) treLudes 2 tins (f8. fus nct ) to provtde t persons wtth 10r0O0 calories each, b. $ gal]ons of water per person. Round corrtalners approxlnately I$[t!.n diareter ana 22[iin height with ?0 quart capaeity, weighs approximately L5O lbs. Baby 16r*ulas and speclal food for nedisal. dietary probleus (should be plarned and bnought by thr:se needing then). Variety of easlly stored alxd prepared foods. 3. Sleeping Equlprent None *. Safety (ffue ard police) Blankets and/or cots or ai.r rnattresses Pails for sard or uater B-1
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