Many hams will find the name
Alfred Powell Morgan familiar. More than one ham was introduced to radio by discovering on the shelf of the elementary school library Morgan's
First Book of Radio and Electronics
That book was updated a few times over the years. Used copies sometimes become available (invariably at a high price) on Amazon:
There's a nice biography of Morgan at the ARRL website. There's also an autobiographical sketch at WB9KZY's website. The following links are to pages with modern recreations of the receivers found in Morgan's books:
Morgan was born in 1889, and a number of his early books are in the public domain and available for free download. Here are links to some of them:
You can find a more comprehensive listing of
Morgan's Books at Amazon. As you can see, he wrote on a wide variety of subjects, and the used prices of many of those books are extremely high. On the other hand, some of his books, such as those on
tropical fishes
, and
are available used at a very low price. In addition, some of the pre-1922 public domain books are also available at a fairly reasonable price as reprints.
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