If you have a Kindle or other e-reader (or a computer, since you download a free Kindle
viewer at
this link), there are a
considerable number of emergency preparedness and civil defense books available. Many of
those books are linked on this page.
Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearny was originally published in 1979, and
contains a wealth of information, not only on the nuclear threat, but also on general
preparedness topics such as water, food, and medicine. The book was based upon research done
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and is in the public domain. The book is available at a
variety of places on the web, usually in PDF format. Among the sources are:
The PDF format is not particularly good for Kindle, but I have found that by putting the
book in the landscape mode, it displays fairly well.
If you're looking for survival fiction, please visit my TEOTWAWKI fiction page.
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