Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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I. General
A. The primary objevtives of radiological defense activities associated
with shelter occupancy are:
1. To minfuni-ze the exposure of occupants to fallout radiation originating
outside the shelter structure.
2. To prevent significant contamination of occupied shelter space.
3. To minimize the effects of radiation on individuals contaminated with
fallout before entering the shelter, or as the result of emergency
trips from the shelter, and the secondary effects of thelr contanination
on other occupants in the shelter.
l+. To measure radiation dose rates and doses aE a basis for assisting
the shelter manager and the local civil defense organization in
&o When emergenoy excursions can be made flom the shelter.
b. When occupancy of the shelter can be terminated.
c. idhen occupancy of the shelter must be terminated.
q. To direct all nevessary devontamination within the shelter.
B. ,""ro"u of strategic location and communications capability, a shelter
w111 be selected to ser:': as a monitoring and reporting station in the
cornrmrnity-wide radiological sJrstem jn accordance with the St. PauI RADEF
II. Basic Equilment
A. D0D-ffiD will provide a Radiological Monitoring Kit for the licensed
shelters under the National Shelter Program.
B. The folloring instruments will be issued to each community shelter:
1.. 1 CD V-?00: Br',".i.1,:.lo6iea.1- survey meter designed to be sensitive to
Lolo Ievels of reC;aticn orl;r, It is to be used for food and water
2. L CD V-?10r A Radiological survey meter for use by radlologlcal
monitors for the nra.J er part of their cperatt ons in the perlod follouing
3. 2 CD V-?IO: Radiological dosimeter (self-readiog) for neasurenent
of radiation exposure of radiologicaL monitors, workers and shelterees
exposed to radiation.
lr. 1 CD v-?50r Radlological dosimeter charger for charging the cD v-7LO

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