1. m, Seetors During a Civil Defense emergency declared by the Goverrror, Target Area Counties have been assigned sectors of operational responsibility knor,rn as Sectors .A., B, and C for Bamsey, Washington and Dakota Counties respectively. Sector Control The Sector Commander will all Civil Defense forces attack. tr. The Public All persons not assigned the Civl1 Defense Forces B. SI1UA?ION exercise operattonal control of assigned to his sector pre or post Civil Defense duties as part of rriLl be referred to as the Public, 1. BgsFeTolmd: National policy precludes the United States from acting as an aggressor. This nation r^riIl enter war only as a defensive measure, The enl-stence of world tenslon may eontinue for an indefinite period of years. lr,lhen these corditions are considered along with technological developments in weapons it becomes a matter of national concern that steps be taken to insure, as much as possible, the survival of the nation by protecting its people, resources and our form of government. Protection of the nationls manpower, resources, and governmental structure can be accomplished only by preattack planning and action to improve our ability to withstand a hostile attack and continue to function as local, State and national entities. General: A planned nuclear war i relatively unlikely. The catast@results of a nuclear exchange between this country and any potential enemy make such an exchange the least acceptable alternative in a world of conflicting ideologies and varying forms of government. However, we as a nation cannot discount the fact that a massive nuclear exchange is possible even though it may commence through miscalculation, accident, or a process of escalation from 1 remote limited war effort on another continent. Because of these possibilities, we must make practical preparations that are feasible and flexible, and keep those preparations eurrent at alL times by looking ahead to future possibilities. 2. tt-29-62 sTP-osP-3
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