Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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?hree types of alerbs and trarning mey precede a taetlca1
evacuation: Strategic, Air $larnlng Alerts and/or
a TAKE CWER warning.
d. ?he $tate Hrector has the authorlty and responsibiLity
to issue the order to TAKE COlgER or EYACUATE. The
decision, authority, ai?@re fEffiiune -Tl$$
COVER has been delegated to the Minnep ta Higtn'ray Patrol
ffif:[6 Bispatchers bised on the Tirne 0ver Tar[et (T.o.T.)
information received oner (NAi,IAS) NatlonaL llanring
2. Uarning C_ogdilions and $cttons
Br Because of variations in an enenryts attack pattern, the
foS.Lowing listing of warning conditlons is not necessarily in the order of possible ociurence. ft is ffiUaUte that
the period of Strateglc ?Jarning world be omltted arrl the
warning advanced to the TaeticaL tlarning pertod and a
TA(E C0VEE warning issued.
b. Strategic Warning (N-O Warnlng Point l.Iarn5ng Issued)
(1) During a period of internationaL tension, the
President of the United ,qtates may issue a ,strategic WarnLng. It is assunrcd that this warntng wffi[-EEmade
to the pub,lic through a persona3. appearance of
the President on natlomlide radio and IV netlrorks;
ho^rorer, lt is possible that strch a warnlng might be
passed down initially through Gonerrunental Civil.
Defense channels only. For planning purposes, it wiLl be aesumed that such a warning rsuld be effected I to 7e hours prior to the estlmated time of attack. If continued beyond 72 houre, corraand deci"stono will
govern the actlons to be taken.
(e) CONEi,8AD would aot be invoked, and sirens would
ng$ be used.
(:) ltre Clty Cal1Hp L1st given in Appendix 10 of, this
Plan wilL be activated.
(l+) the Director of the St. Paul Bureau of Ctuil" Defense
w111 assume duties ae Corunarder, tNfCOH Division l,
actlvate the U$$OI{ 8.0.C. at Red }Iing, with selected
ITNIC0M Steff personnel ($ee Appendix'9, tist of
Clty Enpioyees Assigned to UNICOM Staff) and est- abllsh conrnunleations with State ClviL Defeme 8.0.C.
and ?arget Area Countles (Sectors A, B, and C).
(5) the Asslstant Director of St. Paul Civij- Defense lrill
assurp the dutles of the Director and activate the St. Paul E.O.C.. Selected Senrfue Staff members will
assemble at the $t. Paul 8.0.c. for operations. See
L1-29-6? sTP-0sP-l.L

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