Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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b. In aceordance with the Federal Fallout Shelter Program,
action will be taken to locate, mark and stock acceptable Public Fallout Shelters in existing facilities within St.
Pau1, and where possible, improve their quality and for capacity, Efforts wil1 be made to include shelter space j.n new construction either on a single or dual purpose basis. Federally supplied stocks 1d11 be augmented as
authorized by City appropriations, Shelter Management
Staffs will be appointed and trained. A public information
and education program will be implemented to acquaint the public with the Location of the shelters, routes to them
and the code of behavior essential to public shelter
occupancy. (See Shelter Management Annex) Until such
time as the Public Shelter System is effective, the public
must seek refirge in home shelters, basements and/or central
areas of large buildings upon the sounding of a TAKE COVER warning. Such refuge will provide some protecti@ffiE initiaL thermaL radj.atlon, fallout radiation, Light, blast, flylng debris and secondary fires depending upon the distance
from the point of detonation.
L. Evacuation or Dispersal
Given sufficient advance warning and following notification of Civil Defense Authorities, the State Director of Civil Defense
nay announee an Eracuatlon or dispersal of persons from St. Paul
over public radio broadcasting facilities. st. 
paul has the
capability of such a move and the outstate areas have the capa- biLity of receiving and caring for evaeuees, with the exception of faLlout shelter, at this tjne. Evacuation pranning and
erecution will be coord:inated through Rarnse5r County Civil Defense
by the Commander, UNICOM Division 1. Ebacuation routes are shoun ln Appendiees 1-2 and 13.
c. gcrror{s-gI m{ERgrycy-4Np/08 w+nNrNlr coNprTJoNs
1. Oeneral Poli.g.
a. Evacuation plans for St. Paul may be executed drrring a
Strategic or Tactical Warning as ordered by the State
b. A strategic evacuation may be ordered during the period I to ?2 hours preced:ing an orpected attack 6n the Continental
United States (CONUS). Tactical evacuation
may be ordered 1$ to B hours preceding an anticipated
attack dependent on such factors as; weather, tine of
day, and anticipated. enemy attack pattern, Warning times of less than 9O minutes will be used to prepare for and
?AKE govEn.
tL-29-62 STP-OSP-L0

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