Civil Defense Operational and Survival Plan of the City of St. Paul, 1962

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During a declared Civil Defense emergency, operational control of St. Paul Civil Defense Forces will pass to the
Ramsey county civiL Defense Director as sector A commander
erccept for those St, Paul Forces which relocate into l,trash- ington County (Sector B) or Dakota County (Sector C).
These latter forces will come under eontrol of the sector
Command in which they are relocated. Certain St. paul
City Enployees will be assigned to the U,lfC0M Division 1
The Director of the st. Paul Bureau of civil Defense assumes
command of uNrc0M Divj.sion 1 during a civil Defense emergency
declared by the Governor. Warning tine permitting, tre witt -
activate the UNfC0M Divislon 1 &nergency 0perating Center
(D.O.C. ) at the State Trai-ning School, h"a Wing, Minnesota.
The A,ssistant Director, St. Paul Civil Defense, rriLl assume the duties of Director at the st. Paul 8.0.c. until relieved.
separate Operational staffs will be established for uNrc0M 1
and the City of St. Pau1. A manning and control directory is shor,m in Appendix 9. lihen lack of warning ti-me and/or radiological cond:itions prevent relocation of the UNICOM
Dj-visi.on 1 Commander and Staff, the St. Paul 8.0.C. wil1 be the site of the UNICOM Division 1, E.O.C.
2. Servj-ces
Service Chiefs appoi.nted as shoi^rn in Appendix 9 will be
responsible for the selection of a staff for their sersrice
and for the planning, organlzation and training necessary for the expeditious-execitlon of mj.ssj-ons assilned (See "
papagraph IfI below). Separate annerces will be prepared by
each service. Each Service Annex will be written to provide for both shelter occupancy and for evacuation.
3. Shelter
a. The Nai;iona1 Fallout shelter System is based on providing shelter space for the entire United States population by A967. This is to be accomplished by:
(1) Identification of shelters in ocj,sting stmctures.
(2) Provision of shelter spaces in new constmction and modification of present build:ings in certain kinds of institutions through Federal lncentives.
(3) rncorporation of shelter into Federally owned buirdi.ngs.
(t) fltrough constructj-on of private shelters i-n homes,
industries and institutlons.
Lt-29-62 STP-OSP-9

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