II. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AI{D CIB,IEA,AI P],AN A. ONCANIZATION 1. The organlzation for the $tate of Minnesota for Civil Defense ie shoun in Appendix 1. 2. IrNIC0l4 Ilivision 1 Organization for Civil Defense Operations is shomn in Appendix 5. 3. Rarnsey County 0rganization for Civil Defense is shorm in Appendlx $, h. The St. Paul 0rganization for Civil Defemse j.s shor,rn in Appendix 8. A more deta-lLed organizatlon stmcture wiIL be found in gervice annerces. GENERAL PI,AN 1. Concept of Operations a. During periods of emergency, caused by massive nuclear attacks or threat of such attacks, the St. PauI City 0overnment will be Limited ln its f\nctions due to disnrption and disorganization of municipal departments. Speed and flexibility of operations are essential during sueh an emergency period. .A,eeor*ing1y, the general plan of operations is based upon the eoncept of central control and coordination of St. Paul Emergency Government through the St. Paul Director of Civil Defense, under the direction of the Mayor, during a shelter situatj-on. Lines of succession for elected Mr:nicipal Officials wl1L be established by ordinance based upon enabling legislaLion by the State Legislaiure. Provisions r,rili be made by the City Clerk for preservation of vital governmental records in coordlnatj-on wlth the various Bureaus and Departmeni;s of the City Government. In situations involving dispersal and/or evacuation of St. Paul Civil Defense Forces, the $t. Paul Civil Defense staff r,trlII operate in support of the UNICOM Division I staff and the staffs of Sectors A, B and C. St. Paul senrices forees will be si:niIarly deployed between the three IINICOM Dir,t-sion 1 seetors as directed in their respe ctive service annelces, Civil Defense is a governmental function and this Pl-an will be implemented by aIL departments, bureaus and agencies of municipal government using their assigned personnel, serrrices, equipment, supplies and such auxiliaries and supplementary personnel as required. (See Appendix ?, Ordinance No. 9767, Section l+, SuUAivision $.) B. U\V tL-29-62 STP-OSP-8
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