work foree includes about 70,000 persons involved in nonagriculture employment. There are approximately 5rOO0 municipal employees. All city employees will be utilized to perform Civil Defense functions. St, Paul has approximately l+31 regular police and Lh3 regular flremen trained in disaster procedures. These forces are augmented by Ciuil Defense auxiliaries trained by the Fire and Police Bureaus. the City of St. Paul has approximately 5!r0OO di.rel-1:[ng units and some 31238 licensed hosp5.taI beds to provid.e welfare and medicaL serviees on an emergency basis. This does not include the housing capability of commercial, public and semi-public buil-d:lngs. 1r0hi1e St. Paul potemtially has, in publi,e and privately owned buildings, zufficient space to fallout sheLter for the entire populace, these potential shelters are not strategically located nith rblation to the day and night time population eoncentrations. St. Paul is a najor manufacturi-ng, industrial and trans- portation center with considerable supplies of raw material, ftnished produets and food stuffs. The implenentation of this Pl-an and the proper utilization of local resources gives the eity a capability to recover from the effects of attack provided adequate preparations and plans are made and effective governmental action is taken. 6. Mllitary Cgrpability: Memorandum of Agreement between the State Dtreetor of Civil Defense and the State Adjutant General, provides that: a. Civil Defense mj-ssions to which any of the elements of the Military Services stationed in the St. Paul area may be assigned, will necessarily be considered as secondary. Support fron the Armed Services ldIf be available only when it does not effect their primary mission. b. In the event mi1itary resources are availabre to the st. Paul Office of Civil Defense, they r,riIl be committed in a supporting role and the military will retaln conrnand and identity of their units during operatlons. Requests for military assistance uiI1 be made to the State Director through Civil Defense channels. C. Mission: When an attack on the United States i-s probable, imminent or actual, all government and publicemployees, all public and private corporations, installations and businesses in the city of st. paul will direet their immediate and eomplete effort to carrying out the provisions of the Plan with the objective of m:ini:nj.zing casualti-es and property damage and faeilitating recovery. LL-29-6? STP-OSP-7
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