Detection systems designed to provide effective warning have advanced to a high degree of sophistication. Ccncurrently weapons systems delivery has advanced to the point where tine lag from inittatlon of an attack to weapon arrival on target is becoming mimlnaI. Warning time is being reduced, particularly for high value military targets such as those rnaking up our retaliatory capability. a. For purpooes, there are three warning ottuatlons of significance, These are: (1) Attack (no warning). An attack which has as the tnitial warrring a bomb detonation. (Z) Tactj-cal wartring. A notification that an enemy has initiated an attack. Such r'rarni-ng may be received any tfune from the launcking of an attaek until it reaches tts target. (3) Strateglc waming. A notification that enelry-initiated hostillties may be irnminent. The tlne element rtay tary from several hours to several days. (L) Civil Defense air warnings of an attack on the Continental United States (COluUS) r,riff be received from the North Ameriean Alr Defense Command (NORAD) over the National. Air Warning Systern (ttlms) through the State Warning Point. Warni-ng times malr vary from nlnutes to hours. Warnings wlII be reeeived by the City of St. Paul by radlo, and/or telephone and/or Bell and Lights. b. TaeticaL warni-ng is more likely than strategic warning. Some portions of the country may have no warning. The fact that an attack has begun will senre as tactical warning to other areas. e. Strategic warning of the population is possible, though not the nost like1y situation. Since it is a possibility, it must be considered in plans related to the conditions that may result from an attack. d. The most Important factor in considering warning time and its rel-ation to plans is that the trend is toward a reducti"on of warnlng time. Another factor is need for planning for a spectrum of contingencies. This calls for plans to be prepared, tested, and exercised in adirance and to be as automatic and . self-triggering as possible. 5. Civil-P,.elr+nse Capabilities of St. 3au1: St. Paul has a population of approxirnately 311+1000 people living within an area of, about 15.0 square mi1es. The Cityt5 tt-29-62 STP-OSP-6
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